Hi, my name is Darius, and I’m also part of the All Access Boston Harbor Program. Every morning I wake up, brush my teeth, wash up, and travel to the Bank of America Pavilion. Once I get there I stand and greet the groups. When all 200 visitors arrive we get on the boat called the Virginia C. It’s a 45 minute boat ride from here to George’s Island. During lunch I turn red because the sun is so bright. After lunch I take some kids kite flying along the beach. Most of these kids have never been kite flying before and it’s my job to teach them no matter how hard it is. In order to get the kite flying there needs to be wind, once the wind starts blowing, the kite usually flies itself. We fly kites all afternoon until the boat leaves the dock at 2:00 pm.

Hi, my name is Frankie, and I’m a Junior Marine Educator for the All Access Boston Harbor Program. Everyday I take out 200 people, children and adults, to George’s Island. I walk the wrackline everyday with the kids to find crabs, shells, and other animals living near the shore. Last week we caught close to 20 Asian Shore crabs, 2 Red Rock crabs, and tons of Green crabs. On the walk back to the boat the kids and I enjoy skipping rocks. We usually have a contest to see who can get the most skips. I enjoy each and everyday and wouldn’t trade this job for anything.
I'm not quite sure what's going on in this picture, but something tells me he's not giving the crab a hug...