Thursday, August 21, 2008

Backwards Day at Harbor View

We put out a few hooks last week with bait in hopes of catching a nice striped bass. Once again, we were surprised to catch another lobster on our line! This lobster was a bit larger than the last with a 3.5 inch carapace. It also had no intentions of releasing the bait so we put both the lobster and the bait back into the water.

We also had the lobster pot soaking with some bait. We pulled up the lobster trap and found about 8 red rock crabs and 2 spider crabs. Most of the kids had never seen a spider crab before and thought it looked pretty scary. After holding a few of them, the kids were gaining confidence around the crabs. Nice catch! We'll work on catching some fishing with our fishing rods and lobsters in our traps, but we still had a great day!


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