Friday, August 8, 2008

Fishing for...Lobster??

There we were, fishing off the docks at Camp Harbor View on Long Island.  One of the kid's yells, "I've got something!!".  Everyone runs over as he pulls up his line; you can see the anticipation on everyone's face.  We look over the edge expecting to see a fish come sailing out of the water.  Will it be a flounder, a striped bass?  No, it's a lobster!  Here is Marissa with our successful (and surprised) fishermen!

This lobster was very young and its carapace measured only 3.5 inches.  After passing it around and observing it on the dock, we let the little lobster go back in the water.  What an interesting catch!  



  1. Awesome Aimee! Fish aren't too common at Piers Park, and kids catch Green Crabs all the time with their fishing rods! It's definately exciting.


  2. This looks like fun, I wish I could have been there. -Basima
