Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Piers Park

Hi my name is Kelly and I am a Junior Marine Educator at Save the Harbor Save the Bay. I work at Piers Park in East Boston as an assistant to Pat and the Harbor Explorers. A typical day at Piers Park begins with a game of “crab tag” or a game of “sharks and minnows”. After the game Pat and I take the kids down to the dock and go crabbing, fishing, and pull up mussels from the dock. In the mornings Pat pulls up the lobster trap, yesterday we pulled up many crabs, a lobster, and a sea star. We bring a cooler and a bucket on the dock and place the animals in them; the kids really enjoy playing with the sea creatures we find. I do that from Monday to Thursday, on Fridays’ I have to go to the Agganis Arena for John Hancock and listen to guest speakers. The speakers normally talk about being professional during work and give us helpful tips about how to get ahead in life and in our jobs.

Today we went to Piers Park but it was raining so we played harbor related games with the kids and drew pictures about the animals that live in the harbor. We went out fishing for a while but then the rain picked back up so we had to retreat to the tent to stay dry. After Piers Park we went to Winthrop Beach. It was raining so hard we eventually had to leave.


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