Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rainy Day Blues...

Even though yesterday's rainy weather forced us to cancel our planned summer staff outing to Spectacle Island, we managed to have a great day on the waterfront!

We held our cookout on the deck (and under the awning!) at Constitution Marina in Charlestown, where we cooked hot dogs and fresh bluefish and shared lunch with two different kids of snails, periwinkles and grove snails from Lovells Island in the Boston Harbor Island National Park.

Can you tell which is which?

To find out more about the snails, visit my BU course blog, Snails2Whales

Then we took a water taxi to the New England Aquarium, where we saw harbor seals, sharks, penguins and exhibits about Jelly-Fish and Stellwagen Bank, followed by a complimentary ice-cream cone from the Emack and Bolio's at Long Wharf.

Here's a copy of the picture we took at the dock before we went to the Aquarium. If you look closely, I think you can see Darius holding a very wet - but still delicious - cookie!

All in all, not a bad way to spend a rainy day!


  1. Thanks for coming to visit! And thanks for all the great work you do. I'm adding you to my blogroll :)

  2. What a great looking group! Thanks for the spectacular day, Bruce and Patty!

  3. Thanks again. Everyone had a blast despite the weather and the blue fish was great.
    What makes the snail shell yellow? Does it all depend on what they eat?
