Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What you could do at Georges Island

At Georges Island there are three things you can do:

1. You could go on the beach and skip stones, find beach glass or you could catch crabs. If you are interested then you should meet Frankie, he will be the one to show how to do all those things.

2. You could sing sea shanties, go explore the dark caves of Fort Warren that is said to be haunted by the Lady in Black with David the "creepy tour" guide.

3. I've saved the best for last: you could learn how to fly kites with me, Darius! I will also show you how to put it together. By the time you leave, you will be the world's best kite flier!


  1. it's nice telling kids what you will be doing =]

    Senait ~~

  2. Kites, forts, and beaches? It doesn't get much better than that! Keep up the good work ~Aimee
