Thursday, August 14, 2008

Painted Rocks

While scouring the beach in search for fierce crabs, bright blue seaglass,
and the many fishing lures we’ve lost, we came across the ever so popular skipping rock. We each took our hand at skipping along the ocean surface. After skipping for a while, we decided these rocks, so thin and flat, needed some pizzazz, some color! After a short while our bucket was full and we were ready to paint. By the end of the day we had an amazing amount of colored rocks. Some rocks were painted bright colors, others had designs, and some even had drawings of sea creatures. Before we knew it all the rocks were painted and we were eager to find more!

1 comment:

  1. We did the same thing at Camp Harbor View and the kids really enjoyed looking for things on the beach to personalize and bring home. It's another great way to appreciate nature!
