Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Funday/ Carp Update

Today we had a visitor at Courageous! Tommy (a fellow Marine Educator) came to explore with us on the Green Boat, and to see the wonders of our lobster traps. While on the boat we were able to view the cormorants and terns that have nested in East Boston, as well as observe the various types of gulls that follow the lobster boats. We also got some fishing done from the stern of the boat.

While on the dock, Tommy pulled up five hefty sea stars from one of the traps (which contained the remains of the carp found at Courageous last week). What I left out of my previous post is that carp are freshwater creatures. This fish most likely came in from the Charles River with all sorts of other gross things as a result of all the heavy rains that this summer has brought. At least we saw the sun today! I hope everyone enjoyed their Monday as much as I did.


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