Thursday, July 2, 2009

Rainy Day, Dream Away

Good day to everyone, this is Rob Benner, a first time Junior Program Assistant here at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. Training week has been exciting, informative, and has left me ready and excited for the summer here. We've played some amusing name games, talked about our favorite breakfast foods, and done some quarreling over who will win the staff basketball game. However, on a more serious note, we've covered all of the bases on how we will make this a safe, enjoyable and memorable summer for both the staff and the kids involved. We went over how to fish (After casting my first ever line, I had the fortunate revelation that fishing must is undoubtedly my true calling), catch crabs, and use the underwater camera. The other staff members are friendly, easygoing and are all people with whom I am very excited to be working. The weather has slightly deterred our training (we were not able to take a boat out today), but despite the complications from the rain, we've had a fairly auspicious first week here and I can't wait for next week to begin.

Until next time,
Rob Benner

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