Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spectacular Spectacle!

Today we took our second trip of the season to Spectacle Island.

Let me tell you, it was a blast! Although the weather turned on us, we still managed to have fun and make the best of it. The wind was actually perfect for flying kites up on the top of the 176 foot hill. Not only is this wide open area great for flying kites, playing games, and eating lunch, it also offers spectacular (no pun intended) panoramic views of Boston and the harbor. As we were touring around the island, we found a full three and a half foot skeleton of a marine creature on the beach. We are not quite sure what type of carcass this is, but it is being analyzed as we speak (most likely remnants of the Loch Ness monster).

Spectacle offers guided kayak tours along the shores of the island, so one of our groups decided to venture out and explore. One member in this group (Gregory) had never been on a boat before today, not to mention a KAYAK. It was fun to watch his excitement and nervousness as he experienced something new. On the beach was another group splashing around, snorkeling, and enjoying the 62 degree water and a 64 degree day. We couldn’t let them have all the fun in the water, so me and my good pal Alex decided to join them: unbearable, but worth it. Maybe next time the water will warm up a bit, so make sure to bring your suit!!

All the best,

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