Friday, August 21, 2009

Last Day at Save the Harbor Save the Bay

Hey, its Alex and my last blog of the summer. I had a lot of fun this summer hanging out on the harbor. We may not have caught many fish, although we have caught many more fish than previous summers, but we have had a lot of fun at Piers Park, Camp Harbor View, Castle Island, and all of our other sites around our wonderful harbor. Just like some of the kids we worked with, some of the places we have went to were brand new to me and I'm sure that I had just as much, if not more fun than most of the kids. Exploring the rackline, Fort Warren, and the other unique areas of Spectacle and George's Island was a great deal of fun. I can now recite multiple versions of the story of the "Lady in Black" at any given moment, after all of my many trips to my favorite Boston Harbor Island (George's). After this very satisfying and exciting summer it will be strange not coming home every day with some broken line, a hook or two, a few weights, and a lure in my pocket. Finally, there still is plenty of time for all of you to head down to the harbor for some fishing, crabbing, or just relaxing on the beach. If not...

I'll see you there next summer,
Alex Klein

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