Thursday, August 20, 2009

Spectacular Island

On my last Thursday with the Save the Harbor Save the Bay summer youth programs I was lucky enough to take a trip to spectacle Island. I rode the boat over with Thi, Senait, David, Ibrahim, and Alice. We had some lunch at nice picnic table violently slanted downhill. I watched everyone struggle to sit as they ate their meals. We went to the top of the hill on Spectacle Island and began to set up the new kites, which were actually capable of being flown.

The day flew by and we were taught how to fly kites by a 2 year old...

who flew one of the old ones that during the previous 45 minutes of trying, none of us could get in the air. After a few tangles, hits to the face by kites, and tackles during keep away, we were back to the boat trying to avoid the storm. Docked, unloaded, and ready to head home, the rain commenced.

Soaked, I trudged my way to the office where I currently sit typing to tell you my story of the day as soon as I possibly could.

I hope office chairs dry quickly...


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