Friday was our final day of youth programs here at Save the Harbor. The office was inundated by youth staff, who were busy rinsing, cleaning, fixing, sorting and storing all of our program supplies and equipment. As we chipped away at the day's chores everyone had a chance to recount

I must admit, as someone who has lead youth programs for several years, this year we had one of the best group's of youth program staff I have ever worked with. A genuinely charismatic and

Our staff, and especially our high school aged junior program assistants, showed a remarkable amount of leadership over the course of the summer. I couldn't think of a better group of young people to not only excite the region's youth about the Harbor environment, but also to act as role models and mentors to the kids we serve.
Whether singing sea chantey's during the Tall Ships Festival, flying kites on Spectacle Island, or fishing and crabbing from the Boston shoreline, our youth staff did an outstanding job bringing excitement, enthusiasm and fun to thousands of kids across the
See you on the Harbor,
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