Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hello everyone! This is Thi :)
I just came back from the All Access Boston Harbor trip out to Spectacle Island today. Denise, Carolyn, David, Linnea, and I went out with about 180 kids from the Inner City to explore this interesting island, which is the highest island out on Boston Harbor. While David told the history of Spectacle Island, many kids were amazed to learn that the piles of trash that was dumped on the island burned for ten years straight!

As always, I met many new people, such as Steven, James, Angela, and much, much more. After Denise, Linnea (David's daughter), and Carolyn figured out the ingredients in V7F1 (aka V8 with the tomatoes, which is a fruit), we hiked up the highest drumlin to fly kites!
Near the end of this wonderful kite flying - which left two female tourists speechless (they never saw people fly kites successfully) - we quickly walked down the hill, careful to not touch the grass and trees, which carry asbestos and cancer-carrying agents, towards the water. Because this morning was quite foggy and looked like rain all day, I didn't bring my swimming suit and just waded in the water up to my mid-thigh. It was so nice and refreshing!
On the boat trip back to the Bank Of America Pavilion, I talked to James more and found out that I was his girlfriend - only because I was a girl and I was his friend. I laughed so much during that 25 minutes! :) I can't wait for my next adventure!

- Thi Tran

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