Thursday, July 22, 2010

Crab Count 2010

Hello everyone!

I just got back from another eventful day with All Access at Georges Island. All this week David, Thi, Denise, BJ, Tim, and I have been taking almost 200 kids around the island every day. It's been a lot of fun-Tuesday was my birthday so David started singing happy birthday to me during lunch and soon everyone else had joined in! I've spent some days wandering through Fort Warren looking for the Lady in Black and others were spent at the beach looking for crabs, sea glass, and pottery.

One new thing we started on Wednesday was "crab count 2010": this is a project Save the Harbor is working on to perform a small experiment to see how many crabs we can find at our sites throughout the summer. This week, BJ and I were on crab patrol. We started at the edge of the water and decided that our sample area should be 4' 6" wide and 162' long; we measured the space by using our 1'6" dip nets-we're very resourceful :) Despite the large sample area, we only found 2 female crabs: one was 3/4" wide but the other was a good 4 1/2". Interestingly enough, we found a lot of baby crabs that we thought were too small to measure and count. The question we're all asking now is why there are so many baby crabs and few adult ones?

From now one, Wednesday is crab day at All Access, so stay tuned for more fascinating crab updates!!


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