During the school year I am a high school Biology teacher that is confined to the classroom walls (at least the majority of the time) and come Spring I am ready to stand at the docks of the sail centers in and around Boston. I was reminded yesterday by the youth staff at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the children who participated in fishing 101 at the Boston Children's Museum why I enjoy working at the docks during the summer.
Although pictures can say a thousand words, I will leave you with a few from my experience at the Boston Children's Museum. All within in a minute a young boy from outside of Boston, whom was enjoying his visit at the Boston Children's Museum, put bait on a hook, cast the line out, and reeled in a cunner, small fish that lives by the pier. Watching the young boy take on all the responsibilities of fishing in front of his brother and parents was a exciting and on top of it asked to put the fish back to keep it alive. I was impressed!
Throughout the morning I watched the Save the Harbor/Save the Bay staff walk through tasks they have not done before. For example, Latoya, Michelle and I are not too excited to be cutting worms and baiting them, using clams, mussels, and fish is not a problem for us, but by the end of the morning we had all taken strides with our worm dilemma. Hooks were baited, worms were cut and we were all proud to overcome this minor anxiety of worms squirming after we cut and hooked them.
Throughout the summer I have witnessed many 'firsts' for the staff and children who participate in the youth programs. From fishing, visiting the harbor islands, boat trips, teaching, and becoming mentors to the children of Boston it is something I am proud to be apart of every summer, especially when the people around me experience it for the first time.
The memories I keep from my summers at Save the Harbor are all created by you! You are the ones who participate, teach and show us all how to have fun in the summer. THANK YOU!
Jen Last
Youth Program Coordinator