Thursday, July 8, 2010

All Acess Boston Harbor

Yesterday was another fabulous day out on the harbor. We set out for Georges' Island and once we got there B.J., Conor, Thi, and I found our picnic table in the shade and made ready for lunch and planning for that day's activities. Thi keeps us all happy with her bag of cherries, Conor usually forgets his lunch and B.J. typically drops his ketchup laden hot dog all over the table. But the real fun began at a table 20 yards away.

A family had left their picnic at their table, along with their trash, and gone in to explore the fort. That's when the thieves arrived. Disguised as gulls they swooped in to steal the food (and trash) and create a general mess. Thi and Conor donned their invisible superhero capes but to no avail. Even a guy from another table gave it a go running after them as if he too were a gull but no success. Finally a park ranger arrived on the scene, surveyed the crime in progress, and radioed for back up. Soon another ranger arrived and ran in to the fort to find the owners of the dwindling food and trash. And finally, armed with rubber gloves and trash picking implements, two more rangers arrived by motorized cart complete with flashing yellow light, to clean up the destruction. The perpetrators of course, had flown the coop.

When the family arrived there were no gulls, no rangers, no food, no trash, and no humor.
Family and Rangers-0. Gulls-1.

Don't leave your food or trash unattended on the islands.


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