Tuesday, August 17, 2010

All Access

Today I finally got to go on All Access and it was even more fun than I had hoped it would be. We got half of the kids from the Bank of America pavillion then picked up the other half from Piers Park. Some of the kids we picked up from Piers were ones I had worked with earlier in the summer, and I was very excited that they all remembered me. I also met some new kids who I have not worked with and they were very nice as well. And we even saw Denise's younger sister Dalia (she sounds exactly like her older sister lol).

When we reached Spectacle Island, we all split into smaller groups. Alize, Caroly and I took a small group hiking to the top of the Island. We came back and had enough time to take a quick swim. I was having so much fun that I hadn't even noticed that it was time to go, I would not have objected to statying an extra hour, but sadly we had to leave. The boat ride back was also fun, I took the time to dry off in the sun, as I did not bring a towel. It was a very fun work day; Can't wait to go back on Thursday!

p.s. Bye, Carolyn, was fun working with you finally.

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