Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Yesterday, I finished my goals from the beginning of this summer.
It was also my first time going to the Courageous Sailing Center in Charlestown. After helping out at All Access in the morning and hugging Carolyn goodbye :'(, I went back to the office to go to Charlestown with Emily.
Going through many changes and using most of the different colored trains and buses in Boston, we ended up in Charlestown, ready for another exciting day. Emily gave me a quick run down of what to do and what was going to happen during the day. When I heard that we were going to go sailing at the end, my face suddenly split into a wide grin... I was going to finish all of my goals!
The kids in Step 2 were the first that we worked with and we all went down to the pier to pull up all the lobster traps. Pulling them up was really easy, but one was so stubborn! I tried to help two kids pull them up, and in the end, our efforts prevailed. We had many crabs and even a baby lobster!
That took the entire time slot with the Step 2 kids, and it was now time to get ready to sail with the Step 3 kids.
Emily told me that we were going to be on the green boat and will have a lot of attention of the two kids we were going to go out with, Gabe and Izzy. I was slightly nervous about this, but still stepped onto boat 7. Listening to the 11 year olds yelling "Jibe!" and "Tack!" made me astonished to see how mature the two were. Gabe wanted to fish off the back of the boat and left me to man the station. I quickly learned and helped them tack and jibe like a pro (hopefully). Emily talked about the Arctic terns a lot and how they came to Boston from the Arctic. Also, after talking to Gabe for a bit, I learned that he was going to go to my school in September in seventh grade! It was so much fun having my hand trailing in the cool water just inches besides me, the wind blowing on my face, the sun beating down on me, the tiller waving back and forth right above my head. This made me realize that I always want to be near the water and to go sailing as often as possible!

As always, Thi Tran

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