Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Treasures of Spectacle Island

On August 9, we had an all staff day event. I must say it was great team building and a lot of fun. We went to the New England Aquarium to catch the ferry and it brought everyone over to Spectacles Island.

The ride was relaxing even though it was a short ride. When we got there, we sat around for at least 15 minutes trying to figure out where the boundaries were to play capture the flag. The captians Michelle, and Caroline had a hard time picking teams. I ended up with Conor, Tim, and Marc on my team, on the second round. When it was time to hide the flags, my team hid it in the white tube that was very hard to find (thats what we thought). When the game
actually started Conor was no where to be found. He hid in a ditch, on top of the hill, to protect our flag. He told my team that he needed tape to put leaves all over his body for camaflage.

The game started out rough for my team because most of us were in jail. Aruna and Marc were the fastest team mates. We were screaming for Michelle to free us, but Caroline was on her tackle mode. Meanwhile, the rest of us were standing there trying to figure out where Conor went for half of the game. When Tom caught our flag, all the sudden we see Conor jump out next to the jail and said "The game is over" How Hilarious! He started to complain about his feet because he went into thorn bushes beer foot and said he might have poison ivy. Then Thi came out bleeding on the side of her leg from trying to walk in the bushes.

After the game, everyone was up for lunch. I found it interesting that we ate on Bruce's boat. Bruce, Matt, and Patty prepared a good lunch for everyone. There were hot dogs, steak, watermelon, cookies, chips, and snaples. I had a great time on the boat. Everyone laughed and joked around. Conor was serving watermelons, and said it was 10 cents a piece. LOL! Meanwhile, Bj was stealing chips from everyones plate, and there was a big laugh about how Tim was the youngest one out of all of us. Bruce and Patty made a wonderful speech about how appreciated they were to have workers like us. Michelle, I guess, needed a moment to herself there. Tear Tear. Group pictures were taken of the moment we shared with each other. This was a fabulous way to end our lunch time.


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