Thursday, February 24, 2011

Diving Right In

What an exciting Thursday! I had a lot of new experiences today, first getting to experience a small aspect of SHSB’s many youth programs. Although the majority of the youth programs occur during the summer, today we got the chance to share two of our lobster friends with the Boston Children’s Museum. The museum was bustling with kids enjoying the exciting exhibits during their school vacation and our lobsters were no exception to their curiosity.

They all gathered around in awe of the sea creatures we had to share, asking a variety of questions like what they eat, if they bite, how to tell if it is a boy or a girl. All questions that I would soon learn the answers to, as this was also my first up close and personal experience with a lobster. Despite my inexperience with these creatures, I found myself jumping right in to the action answering questions and showing the children how to hold them. It was great to see the other side of SHSB, and I was so happy to see the enthusiasm that these children had for the ocean’s creatures that SHSB works so hard to protect.

Courtney Hickey
Communications and Events Intern
Save the Harbor / Save the Bay

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