Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Final Week :(

My name is Kristina Acevedo and I was an intern from Fenway High School. Part of my graduation requirement was to complete a six week internship. I struggled searching for an internship, but my teacher had told me Save the Harbor/Save the Bay were looking for one. I took the chance to meet with Michelle Palermino one day to get more insight on what kinds of task I would be doing. I remember seeing Michelle with a huge smile on her face when I walked into a room set up for my interview at school. Our conversation started off great. I felt comfortable speaking to Michelle and she showed so much excitement! She sounded so passionate when she spoke about Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. I decided to take the internship. It sounded like fun, and especially hearing about the event they were hosting the Cupid Splash.

My first day there I met the staff. I remember meeting Caitlin first and how much she loves peanut butter! The vibe I got from the office was perfect. I knew I was going to have fun. I was going to be surrounded by a staff of passionate, humorous and dedicated people. I was kept busy throughout the six weeks, and was able to gain a wonderful workplace experience. My first week there, I had to develop and speak at the staff meeting. I felt involved with everything that was being done in the office.

I am greatful that the staff trusted in me when it came to projects. I was able to complete two collages for collaborative material, help organize an event and draft a welcome intern packet. When I compared my experience with my fellow classmates I noticed that I must have gave a great impression and showed dedication just like the staff because I was given the opportunity to help with important task. My classmates filed paperwork and organized papers at their internship; meanwhile, I was treated like staff and given assignments that would have been done by the staff.

Apart from working indoors for the six weeks, I was able to work outside at the Harbor with families from different areas of Boston for the Marine Mammal Safari. I was able to network with hundreds of people, and enjoy the search for Harbor Seals and porpoises with my family.
Overall I gained a lot of experience here at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay, and if it was not for my spending my summer vacation in Puerto Rico I would have loved to work more with them.

Sadly this Friday is my last day at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. :( I just want to thank Michelle Palermino and Patty Foley for allowing me to intern here for the six weeks. If it was not for them accepting me into the office I would have not gained the same experience anywhere else. I am blessed to have met, worked, laughed and talked with such a passionate staff including the other interns. I would definitely recommend looking for an internship at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay for the experience and skills that would be gained.

Now I maybe done with internship, but I will stay in contact with you all! :)

Fenway High School Intern
Kristina Acevedo

1 comment:

  1. Editor's Note - Guess who will be joining us as a Junior Program Assistant this summer after all? Stay tuned!
