Thursday, June 30, 2011

Better Beaches Kickoff!

Hi, I'm Scott and I'm one of the communications interns this summer at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay. Last Monday I had the pleasure of joining the Senior Marine Educators and a few other staffers at the YMCA Better Beaches summer kickoff event at Constitution Beach in East Boston. As soon as I walked across the beach to the Save the Harbor table I realized that, even though it was a Monday, this was an exciting and energy-filled event. Throughout the afternoon there was music playing, YMCA kids enjoying games of flag football, volleyball, and other sports I didn't even recognize, and a generally upbeat atmosphere with everyone sunbathing and taking advantage of the summery weather. I think the highlight of the day for all of us at Save the Harbor was the marine life showings that the Senior Marine Educators did for any young visitors to our table. A steady stream of kids came to pet lobsters' tails, hold moon jellyfish in their palms, and examine kelp and periwinkles. This was a great addition to what was already a great summer afternoon to start off the Better Beaches programs of the summer.

A few photos:

Sheuli dropping some knowledge about a periwinkle.

Connor showing off a lobster.

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