Sunday, July 10, 2011

Adventure to Winthrop Beach!

This weekend, I spent time with Michelle and Tommy at Winthrop beach. This was an event from the Better Beaches Program where several community members joined us for a beach clean up.
After the meet and greet we ventured onto the beach with our awesome garbage grabbers to pick up trash. We found several bottle caps, plastic wrappers, cigarette butts, ropes, and many other types of debris. Some one even found a big plastic lobster lying around! We all walked the length of the beach to where Terns were nesting. It’s around the time they’re eggs are hatching so the Terns were very protective of their territory. After cleaning up the beach we strolled down the street to see the artists who’s art is based off the beach. There were

watercolor paintings as well as acrylic paintings on driftwood and rocks from the beach. They were all very beautiful and captured the character of the beach perfectly.
The community involvement here was really fantastic and it meant a lot to me as an environmental advocate. People of all ages attended this event and were enthusiastic about the work we did. Seeing kids at this event is awesome because it says that young minds are interested in taking care of the environment and are aware of current issues. This energizes me to want to do more for the environment and can’t wait until next week where I will be attending my next event from the Better Beaches Program.
Annie Adams

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