Friday, July 22, 2011

Beating the Heat at Black's Creek

When I first got to Blacks Creek yesterday it was only nine in the morning, but it was already hot! Although the heat kept some of the Boston Harbor Explorers away, our small group of four took full advantage of the refreshing breeze and cool water.

The reduced numbers combined with the heat actually made for a nice change of pace, and the quiet waterfront was perfect for for sneaking up on minnows and hermit crabs. The kids took turns fishing from the beach and wading into the water in search of crabs while we chatted about dragonflies, sharks, and whether or not seaweed would make good fishing bait.

In the words of this young angler, "It's so peaceful, I want to stay here forever!"

Once we'd gotten enough sun, we retreated to the shade to end the day with a rousing game of sea-life twenty questions. While the energy and excitement of our usual larger groups at Blacks creek is tons of fun, it was also nice to enjoy a lazy summer day with a smaller crew.


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