Monday, July 18, 2011

A Day at the Beach

I spent this past Sunday afternoon showing off our touch tank (and working on my tan!) at the Revere Beach sand-sculpting festival. We were lucky to get perfect beach weather for the event and the turnout on Sunday was great!

Lots of kids, parents, and others came by to check out our lobsters and learn more about our Better Beaches and Youth programs.

Since the day was so nice, I convinced my dad to tag along as well. He was a cab driver in Boston back in the 70's, but hadn't been back to Revere Beach in over 25 years. Based on his memories of the beach back then he was a bit hesitant to go. When I met him at the end of the day though, he had nothing but good things to say about the beach and the festival

On our way back home he told me: "I'm shocked at how much this place has changed! I had no idea there was such a nice beach so close to our house, I'm going to come back again!" I thought that pretty well summed up what our beaches programs are all about.


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