Thursday, June 30, 2011

East Boston, Kicking Off in Style

This was the first Better Beaches Event of the summer!! It was a hot summer day as we sat peering out over the blurr of red and green YMCA t-shirts storming around Constitution Beach on Monday, June 27th. The youngest beachgoers were having a dance party by the DJ and the rest were scattered around the beach playing various games including soccer, capture the flag and volleyball. After grabbing a couple of nets from the stand I decided to set out to find some explorers. I felt my best luck would come down by the water. Sure enough, I found a couple of girls and a small boy who were all excited to see what they could pick up. The girls mostly set off together by themselves but the little boy stuck by my side. Everytime I brought my net up from the sea floor, he wanted to see what was inside. His mom watched with a smile as we wondered along the beach "oohh and ahh"ing at every new discovery our net was able to capture. This is what Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is all about: giving kids the opportunity to discover the Boston Harbor and all it has to offer.

-Sarah Appleton

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