Friday, July 22, 2011

It's too hot to swim?

In case you haven't noticed, it is very hot in Boston these days. Very, very hot. So hot that walking from the T to your house is enough to make you consider never leaving your house (unless your house is 4 floors up in an apartment building with full sun and no AC). So hot that some of our partner organizations aren't actually allowed to leave their buildings so that the little ones stay cool, hydrated, and healthy.

Last night, two groups called to say that they would not be able to join us on our All Access Boston Harbor trip to Spectacle Island. I was afraid that we would have to cancel, and when Bruce asked, "Well, it's a small trip, do you want to cancel?," I responded quickly, saying, "I'd rather have 150 people enjoy a hot day on the island than not at all." This morning, I called the rest of the groups to remind them that there was swimming on the island, and to assure them that yes, despite the heat, if they were going, we were going.
While a smaller crew than our usual 250, over 140 youth and chaperones braved the heat to join us for a trip out. So thank you to the East End House, the Boys and Girls Clubs of Jordan and Charlestown, Roxbury Youth Initiative for making it happen. And thank you, in particular, to Hyde Park Community Center and to Winston Lloyd who reminded me that "A great day on the water is what this is all about!"
And also, to this boy, who may have the best hair ever, rocking an excellent Laminaria specimen.

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