Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Learning to Fish

This afternoon the entire youth programs staff headed out to Fort Point Channel by the Children’s museum armed with fishing rods and crab traps to do some equipment training.After a quick tutorial from Will, Conor, and Aruna on how to use the rods, cast lines, and tie hooks and weights, we all dove right in (not literally of course) to try it ourselves!

It was the first time fishing for many of us (myself included), but we all caught on pretty quickly after sorting out some initial tangles and equipment problems. Some of our new staff even felt confident enough to share their new skills with some interested young passersby!
Although we didn’t catch any fish today, we did pull up several green crabs in our crab traps and had a quick lesson in how to tell the difference between male and female crabs before packing up for the day.

Now that formal training is over, I’m looking forward to getting started working with the kids and having a great first few weeks at our sites!

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