Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer 2011's Lead Educator

Helloooo Boston! My name is Michelle Palermino, Lead Educator with our Youth Environmental Education programs this year. I'm back for my second summer, but since I've been at Save the Harbor throughout the year, I guess I can't really say I'm "back"-- I never really left!

After a life-changing summer as a Senior Marine Educator in 2010, and an exciting fall, winter, and spring of events and advocacy, I'm helping the magnificent Brianne Studer coordinate the youth programs this year. Ever since I packed up all our equipment last August, I've been waiting for THIS week-- the week so many talented and enthusiastic young Bostonians join our ranks and quadruple the size of our staff to help us share our love of the Harbor with a whole new generation of Bostonians.

I couldn't be more proud of my enthusiastic young staff already. We had a great training week, our very first Better Beaches event of the season, a fun and educational afternoon out on Spectacle Island with the staffs of Piers Park Sailing Center and Courageous Sailing Center, and some awesome bonding around Seaport. I can already tell that I'm going to learn so much from our staff this year - not only from the marine knowledge that our Senior Marine Educators and returning staffers bring to the table, but from the fresh outlook and excitement our new crew has for the summer ahead.

As much as I love Save the Harbor's work year-round, Tuesday officially begins the most wonderful time of the year for me. I've missed being out on the dock with so many of our region's children and seeing their excitement as they pull up a crab trap or catch their first fish, and I can't stop smiling, knowing that it's all beginning again so soon.

I hope everyone has a fantastic 4th of July weekend. I'll see you on the Harbor next week!

Lots of Harbor Love,

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