Saturday, July 23, 2011

My summer so far with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay

These first few weeks have been more interesting and full of life than I expected. During the first two weeks, visiting Spectacle and George's Island have been the most memorable days. On Spectacle, we discovered sea glass with the group of kids, went swimming on the island's amazing beach and walked an eager group to the top of Spectacle so see the harbor/Boston view.
The stories about George's Island excited children before we even got on the Viking Starliner- which is the boat we take; they asked questions about the black tunnel, the Lady in Black, and of course the history of the civil war fort, Ft. Warren. I also visited the Harry Mcdonough Sailing Center where an almost 28-inch striper bass was captured by a young boy. So far, so good; I hope this energy continues to flow.


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