Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sea, Sand, and Stripers

Hey all! Wednesday was a very exciting day at the McDonough Center in South Boston: we caught the first catch of the summer! Two of the campers there, Jacob and Dylan, were extremely proud of themselves when they discovered that they caught a pretty good size striper. Right before we put the last rod away, which was being used by Dylan and then passed down to Jacob, Jacob shouted that he caught something and I had to grab him before he fell into the water because of the fish! After the fish put up a decent fight, we brought it onto the dock (which was sinking because of all the spectators) and allowed the two boys to drench themselves in their patience that paid off. Although it may be a while until we catch another fish in South Boston, it added a great air of enthusiasm to the kids for the rest of the week. Today, all the kids were talking about the "ginormous" fish that Jacob and Dylan caught, and a bunch of kids wanted to see if they could catch one even bigger. Along with fish, McDonough was overflowing with crab fishing too. Today it got to a point where we had to put some of the crabs back because we did not have enough room for the amount of crabs being caught every minute! From catching fish to beach exploring to hunting crabs, this was an extremely eventful week for the kids. Right when I arrive to the gates of the sailing center, I am bombarded with eager adventurists who want to examine the beach, or catch crabs, or immediately start fishing, or even just sit down and talk for a while. Although I am notoriously know as the "Quincy Kid" (and David when talking formally) by the campers, I am really starting to enjoy the work I do with Save the Harbor. Thanks for reading!

David Coletti

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