Friday, August 5, 2011

The Crazy Flounder

Yesterday I had a great day at Camp Harbor View at the fishing pier. When we got there, Paula our Senior Marine Educator told us to set up fishing rods for the campers. By the time we were done, I started to get some mussels for the the kids, and one of the staff members at Harbor View, "Joe", was fishing with me and a couple of other kids. The rest of the other campers were preoccupied by the Red Rock Crabs we caught. By the time I put like 50 cracked mussels in the water, which took me like 15 minutes, Joe was getting frustrated because he spent all week in fishing club with Save the Harbor and did not catch fish. I started to encourage him to keep trying. About 2 minutes later, he felt a tug and said "I GOT ONE!" He was so excited and the kids were so surprised. He pulled it up, and we put the fish in a bucket for the kids to admire. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


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