Saturday, August 6, 2011

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!

Working at Save the Harbor Save the Bay is extremely exciting, and has been one of the highlights of my summer. But, I have to say, being a MLK Scholar also brings me great joy.

Ever Friday every MLK Scholar in the City of Boston gathers at the Agganis Arena to listen to guest speakers and divide into small groups to participate in discussions. Last week we had two amazing guests.

The first guest was a 17 year old male who spoke about his carreer in photography. He made it a point to assure the audience that you can do anything you truly wish to do, if you have the ambition for it.

The second speaker was a man who spoke of the lessons he learned from different experiences and how he built upon them. His journey reminds people of all ages that passion can lead you to endless possibilities!

Each week has interesting speakers and great discussions. I can't wait for this week!


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