Monday, August 15, 2011

Kids Beach Party and splash

Hey viewers,
Last Friday was the kids beach bash fest at M. Street Beach, and it was a blast. The day started off with staffers from Save The Harbor setting up different types of activities for the kids. We had an art section with two GIGANTIC posters of a flounder and one of an oil fish, which came with scales that you could write your name on it. We glued the scales onto the fish to decorate it. Also, we had a kite flying section, a sports section, a fishing section and a sand castle section. We had food and drinks for everyone, and we had a big part of the beachr reserved for everyone to swim in. Around 10:00, the kids started to come in and started to get into different activities. It got really crowded during the course of the day. When David Coffin, our maritime historian, arrived, he decided to teach the kids a song that sailors in the olden days used when they pulled up their sails. The sea shantee is called "Haul Away Joe". Save The Harbor/ Save The bay has this tradition of everyone running into the water. It is a way of celebrating that the water is now clean. And while David Coffin was in the water, he noticed that I wasn't, so he and the other staff members from Save The Harbor dump me in the water! Although I kind of fought back, they still did it. Overall, it was a pretty fun day at the beach.

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