Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Week at Boston Children's Museum

This week at Boston Children’s Museum we all had a blast. We had a lot of enthusiastic kids who were eager to fish and crab with us. People from around the world paid us a visit to go fishing and really enjoyed it. We met people from Canada and Germany. Regardless of where people came from, kids and parents alike enjoyed learning about what we had to show them. My favorite part of being at Boston Children’s museum is hearing fishing tips and stories from others. It’s really fun to hear what other people have to say about things they have caught and what they used. Some people use bagels, while others use worms. We were using the remains of fish. Though the fish seemed to have worked really well for the crab traps, we still haven’t had any luck with the fishing. Hopefully next week we can catch something other than just crabs.

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