Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Summertime Splash!

This past weekend the whole Save the Harbor team went to Carson Beach and had two epic barbecues. On Friday, we invited over 400 children from youth programs all over Boston to join us in our celebration. We had different events going on at once. Children were able to build sand castles, fish, fly kites, play sports, paint and color, and even learn about the Harbor. There was even free drinks, food, and snacks that were given out to everyone who participated in making this event a successful one. The arts section was, without a doubt, the best activity that was there. It was hosted by Thi, LaToya, Leon, and I. Thi drew different marine animals, including characters from Spongebob Squarepants. The children painted, colored, and drew on white paper. The most unique aspect about the arts section was that everyone HAD to sign our version of a guestbook, which consisted of a huuuuuge flounder and guests had to write their names on a scale that would be pasted onto the fish. By the end of the event, the flounder was filled in an array of colors. The scales showed everyone's different personalities because we also drew and designed them with things that we liked. Before we ate lunch, Bruce wanted to make an attempt at breaking the world record for the amount of people to run into the ocean at once. Everyone ran in, making a huge SUMMERTIME SPLASH. Friday's event was definitely a success, and I hope this becomes an annual event.
Saturday's beach event was much more laid back. We welcomed the first open-sea swimmer at 9:30am, followed by a relay team that reach the shore about a minute after. The two live bands were very upbeat and kept us all moving our feet, and one band even made a song just for Save the Harbor! For the majority of the day, we all worked together to make a sand sculpture. Bruce gave us the task of making the new Save the Harbor logo in the sand. After about an hour and a half of working on it, we finished it. It impressed everyone who passed by it.

Save the Harbor's beach event this weekend was one to remember. Thank you to everyone who participated in making it possible, including our very special guests!

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