Monday, August 1, 2011

Wollaston Beach

How to Save a Lobster:

My Save the Harbor co-workers and I hosted a touch tank that held a male lobster at Wollaston beach. It was such a hot and sunny day that we had to constantly refresh the tank with saltwater to make sure the lobster would stay alive! So every twenty minutes we put the lobster in a plastic bag with the saltwater then had to race down to the shore to toss out the old water and get fresh water. On my rotation to stay by the lobster in the bag, a young boy watched what we were doing, and asked if we were trying to kill the lobster! I said of course not! I then explained to him how we were actually trying to save the lobster by leaving some water in the bag and that it was a good thing that we were constantly refilling the tank! It took some convincing, but he finally believed me!

It was great that he showed some interest, and that I could not only teach him about the lobster but also answer his questions when he was confused!

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