Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fabulous Fun Frying Fish

            Programming hasn’t even started yet, and yet I find myself writing again about the fun stuff that the Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay Staff has been up to this past week. Bruce taught us all how to fillet a fish, using Pollock as our example, which was very exciting. Though I have caught fish in the past, I have never actually cleaned it up to eat later before. Everyone had a try at filleting fish including my coworker Andrew, who you see in the photo below.

Bruce very kindly allowed us to take home what we had filleted ourselves and cook it up for dinner. I was thrilled to go home with fresh fish and fry it up. Other than working with Save the Harbor/ Save the bay, cooking is one of my favorite things to do.

As you can see in the photo, I made quite a feast for my sister and myself. Fish is actually quite easy to cook. I prepared my fish by lightly dredging the fillet in flour, salt, and pepper. Then I buttered up a sauté pan and gently put the fish in on high heat, and let it cook for about 5 minutes, only about 2 minutes per side. Unfortunately, my pan wasn’t well taken care of, so the fish stuck to the pan and I had to eat it in the form of flakes. However, it still tasted incredibly good because it was so fresh. The sauce I made consisted of mushrooms, red onions, and yellow bell peppers which I sautéed in marinara sauce and poured over some pasta. Hope all of you get a chance to enjoy fresh fish this year and if you would like any advice on how to cook it up, feel free to comment on this post and I will get back to you in a jiffy!

Annie Adams

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