Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Gems of Boston Harbor

Hello All! I want to tell you a little bit about my amazing trip today. As a staff member of Save the Harbor Save the Bay I received an opportunity to see the beautiful islands in the Boston harbor that we all have worked so hard to keep available for everyone to see. As a girl from Nebraska, let me tell you, it is WORTH IT!!!! There are so many activities and cool things to experience and I loved every minute of it. 
Save the Harbor Summer Staff 2012 at Spectacle Island

The first stop we made was at Spectacle Island. Everywhere you go on this island there is something interesting and fun to see. Treasure beach was defiantly my favorite! Walking along this beach and seeing things that resembled other's lives in the past really makes you reflect on yourself. I often found my self wondering "why did they choose something as beautiful as this to throw out?" or  "what did they use this for?" It also got me thinking about the things that I throw out compared to the things that I treasure. Finally I came to the simple conclusion that everyone knows, "whats one man's trash, is another man's treasure."

To the left is a picture of a few things that I found while walking the beach. I discovered all kinds of sea glass which glittered the beach along with the beautiful shells of blue mussels. I also found a great amount of beautiful china scattered along the beach. This was the number one item I found on the beach that I really connected to because it reminded me of all of my Grandmothers china and how she adored it. Spectacle Island was a blast and I recommend everyone to visit and explore the amazing stories the Island has to offer. 

Next we floated on over to Georges Island. This was my second time visiting this island but I have a feeling that every time I do visit, I will learn some new. On this trip I learned about the Lady in Black and how she died. I also learned a couple other stories about different Generals and soldiers. After I found out about these individuals and how they haunt the Island we went through this pitch black tunnel. Lets just say, it was probably one of the scariest things I've done in a long time, but as an award for my bravery the tunnel led out to a beautiful path to the ocean.
Entry bridge into Fort Warren on Georges Island

I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to see these amazing islands and the cool things they have to offer. I am proud that I am part of an organization that provides kids a trip to these islands because it is defiantly a trip they won't forget, I know I won't. So if you haven't been out to the extended wonders of Boston Harbor, get out and EXPLORE!

Hope to see you out there!

Liz Allen
Events/Communications Intern

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