Thursday, June 21, 2012

Schools to Careers Partnership learns about Boston Harbor

This hot and sunny afternoon Bruce, Michelle, Will and I went over to the Bank of America Pavilion to meet a group from the Schools to Careers Partnership and listen to Save the Harbor's spokesman Bruce Berman talk about Boston Harbor and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.

The group of rising high school seniors had visited Deer Island earlier in the morning and were eager to learn more about Boston Harbor. For one hour Bruce walked the group through how the harbor has changed through the last 20 years. He kept the group of young people interested with comical anecdotes, including one about a beach runner getting what he thought was tar on his shoes, but which turned out to be human waste. The runner (Bill Golden, City Solicitor  Quincy)then sued everybody and their mother for his "miss step" on Wollaston beach, which got the ball rolling to turn some of the dirtiest beaches in the country into the cleanest.

Bruce focused his talk on potential opportunities for students interested in science and engineering in the non-profit world.

After Bruce's talk the student got their questions answered including, "How much money do you make?". This question was diplomatically answered with a range of salaries but Bruce also pointed out that besides making money, "It's best when you love what you do." Despite the heat that left us all wanting a tall glass of ice water it was a great hour break from the office to share information with a fun and engaged group.


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