Friday, July 27, 2012

Camp Harbor View, Meet Boston Light

Tuesday's Boston Harbor tour was the topping on the cake of an already fabulous four weeks at Camp Harbor View for the kids. Some have never been on a boat before and were nervous, but those few quickly started to enjoy themselves. For probably the first time, these kids of Boston were able to view their harbor from a whole new perspective.

Wherever you looked there was something with an amazing story that could be told. In one direction there was Long Island, then Deer Island and it's 3.8 billion dollar water treatment plant, and what some people don't know, the 17th most expensive object ever constructed in the world. Across from Deer Island was former dump, Spectacle Island, Moon Island, and so on. As we made our way down the harbor we greeted Hull and two wind turbines that produce enough electricity to light over 1,000 homes each, two historic lighthouses, and views of the dismal orange signs warning of Gallops Island and its asbestos. 

The Deer Island Waste Water Treatment Plant from Webb Memorial State Park in Weymouth.
What fascinated the kids the most was Boston Light on Little Brewster Island. It was the first lighthouse ever built in the United States in 1716. Unfortunately, it was destroyed during the Revolutionary War, and the current tower was rebuilt in 1783, making it the 2nd oldest working lighthouse in the United States and about 229 years old!!

Another one of the kids' favorite views was the twelve egg-shaped anaerobic sludge digesters on Deer Island. Standing 130 feet tall, everyone was fascinated when we told them that all of the water and "stuff" that goes down your drains and toilets end up here! It may be nasty, but without this treatment plant, the story wouldn't be any better, Boston Harbor would be the one ending up with all of your waste! 

- Carly

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