Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Extreme Crab Hunting!

It was a scorcher out there today, and even though we only had two intrepid explorers with us at Black's Creek, Coleman and Kira were certainly up to the challenge.  We had been warned by their mothers after they were dropped off that both of them were ferocious crab hunters, but words could not do these two justice.  Before you could say go, the kids were knee deep in the water, quickly finding an assortment of periwinkles, hermit crabs, and of course, lots and lots of green crabs.  When all was said and done, Coleman and Kira had collected 26 crabs between the two of them!  This was more than any other group yet this summer.  They certainly set the bar high for our future crab hunters.

Kira and Coleman - Extreme Crab Hunters!

In other news, Camp Harbor View had its first lobster catch of the season!  We hauled in a nice looking lobster last Wednesday that was a thrill both for us and the kids.  The lobster got a reprieve from being someone's dinner that night after one camper decided to return him to the sea.  (But at least we got some photographic evidence!)  

We'll get him next time...

Meanwhile, out marble hunt at CHV is still going strong, with over a dozen campers having found a marble in the hopes of winning a lobster dinner for four.  Stay tuned for more info, and stay cool.

-Andrew Bauld


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