Monday, July 30, 2012

EPA joins us in South Boston

Wednesday at the Harry McDonough Sailing Center was an amazing day for the EPA and Senator Jack Hart to visit our site. The weather was great and the kids were very eager to teach adults about what they have learned from Save the Harbor. The day started with Ken Kopocis, a staff member of the EPA, Bruce Berman and his class enjoying lunch at Sullivan's. One of my favorite places to eat whenever I'm in the South Boston area or at Castle Island. After lunch everyone came down to the docks to join the Save the Harbor staff that was there working that day. We definitely had many different things show and tell everyone about.

There was a total of four lobsters in the crate to begin the day and another one was caught in the trap. Mary, Ahmed and Leon went out on the boat to the lobster trap to bring back the one lobster that was in it. Before being placed in the floating crate the lobster's claws were banded. The kids at the Sailing Center caught all the crabs that were in the touch tank using crab traps. One girl even caught a crab with a fishing rod. The kids showed their knowledge of crabs and lobsters to Ken Kopocis, Jack Hart and the class from BU. We were all impressed with how much each kid remembered and knew about the marine life that they captured.

It was great day to be shared with everyone who was at the Harry McDonough Sailing Center that day. I feel as though everyone learned and saw something new that were probably not expecting. The kids were awesome when they explained and answered questions about the marine life in the Boston Harbor. Definitely made me proud to know that the kids really enjoy what Save the Harbor offers for the kids in the Boston Area. I can't wait to see and hear about the experiences to come within the next few weeks.

- Will  Clark

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