Sunday, July 29, 2012

Great Day for the EPA!

Posing with our 4-lobster catch of the day!

Wednesday was a beautiful day out in Boston, and just perfect for visitors. Who came out to Castle Island, you ask? Ken Kopocis, a staff member of the Environmental Protection Agency! He made the trip from Washington, D.C. to check out the Boston harbor and see all it has to offer. Senator Jack Hart, serving those of the first Suffolk District in MA also made an appearance that day, among other civil-minded individuals.

After a quick stop to Sullivan's (glad you enjoyed your clam strips Mr. Kopocis!) our friends from D.C. took a walk down to the floating docks of the McDonough Sailing Center to see just what the Boston Harbor clean-up efforts have yielded so far. Hopefully they were not disappointed! Kids could be seen out on sailboats, swimming, fishing, pulling up crab traps, and just enjoying the space made for them at the sailing center. It is from the efforts of the EPA and other organizations alike that allow Boston residents to truly enjoy the water. Seeing this impact first-hand has hopefully brought about a new found inspiration and sense of determination to keep the Boston Harbor accessible to all individuals.

Ken & Bob learn about our native lobsters.

The kids teaching Senator Hart & Mr. Kopocis about Green Crabs.

As a side note, I think it's safe to say that the kids were able to teach the adults something that day! Not only was it great being able to see just how enthusiastic the campers were to have visitors, it was awesome seeing what they've learned so far and how eager they were to teach others about it. Before I end, let me send a huge "thank you" to all of the kids from McDonough for being such great hosts to Senator Hart and those visiting from DC. We all hope you had a "wicked" good time!


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