Monday, July 16, 2012

Great Fishing at Community Boating

This past week, I along with four other members of the Save the Harbor staff went to the community boating site on the Charles River. Everyday, we would help the group of nine kids fish for karp and sunfish off a dock. We used karp cookies as bait, which are made of flour mixed with sugar and water. After a slow start on the first day, the group caught close to 30 sunfish every day! Every single kid caught at least one fish and they all loved it.

On the last day of the week, Friday, we did more than just catch a bunch of small fish. While most of the campers and counselors were off picking up the eel traps in the river, I along with three other campers came along a new fish. We caught a much larger fish. It was a foot long small-mouthed bass and it got everyone excited. We had a great time this week and I can't wait to get back out there tomorrow.

See you on the docks!

Tom Kenary

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