Friday, July 13, 2012

A New Place Calls For New Adventures

       Hey, my name is Brianna Charles. I am 18-years old and a graduate of Brighton High School and I am a Freshman at Bunker Hill Community College as a nursing major. I am very outgoing and friendly. I chose to be a nursing major because I loved kids, well babies and wanted to be around them as they were born instead of having my own at 18-years old ( also known as midwifing ). When I found out about Save the Harbor / Save the Bay it was only through Blue Cross Blue Shield. I knew BCBS helped you get jobs but I didn't know they were giving out some fun jobs for the summer. This was a great time to get more experience with varies age groups, I knew what my job was when I was being interviewed ( kinda ) but my first day i absolutely loved it. It gave me a chance to get away from the usual city of Boston and explore things with kids and teens while being knowledgeable of the marine science and harbor lifestyle. 

Brianna Charles

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