Thursday, July 12, 2012

Piers Park and Courageous Adventures !

Today was another beautiful day to enjoy Boston Harbor.This morning at Piers Park, I was so happy to hear from Christopher & Christian and how excited they were to try to catch another flounder!
The floating crate we use to hold our sea creatures. 

We caught many crabs and were able to place them in an floating tank for tomorrow.
And then we made the venture to Courageous Sailing in Charlestown.
It always gives me great peace to travel across Boston Harbor as a part of my daily commute. It really allows me to take a moment to reflect on the beauty of the Boston Harbor.
A view from our commute from Piers Park to Courageous Sailing

Ana, Candido,Karrisha and I continued to have an exciting day and facilitated learning about the difference between omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores. We showed this by explaining how we use fish as bait for the crabs, which makes them... Carnivores!

Kerrisha demonstrating how to hold a crab!
We wrapped our day up with fishing in the harbor. A lot was learned and fun was had!

:) Ali Hurney

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