Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Real Beast........ Me!

Hello universe my name is Andrew Kristoffer Maestre nick name "THE BEAST and i am 19 years old and really happy to work with Save the Harbor Save the Bay. I have just graduated from Brighton High School this year and I'm really happy that I finish school because now I get to go too college and become whatever i want to be to get a well paying job. Also be successful at what my profession is. I will be attending Curry College in the fall and plan on transferring to the University of Maine a way better college for football they are division one Curry is division three not too good. I love playing football and other sports too like basketball. I am currently one of the best running backs in Massachusetts.

My goals for this summer is to have fun meet new people and enjoy my life with my love ones the ones i love and friends, just live it up. Hey you only live once you got to enjoy life the best way you can and have fun doing it. My goal for this summer is to work and I' am working with Save the Harbor Save the Bay and so far its been great the staff here are wonderful and fun to work with. the most important goal for my summer is to inspire the kids that i encounter here while I' am working at the harbor and teach them about the harbor and a lot of fun and cool stuff that we do while we are here and have fun. I also want to be a role model to these kids let them have some one to look up to, give them a positive look on life, help them be happy and have fun with a smile on their faces.

Lets all have fun at the harbor, from Andrew.

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