Monday, July 16, 2012

Round Two of STH/STB with Ahmed!

Hi, my name is Ahmed Hassan. I am a returning staffer for Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay. I am 17 years of age and I attend Fenway High School. I am very happy to be returning because I had a great time last year and wanted to come back for another blast. Some of my many hobbies include Basketball, Video Gaming, and much more. I currently live in South Boston were my favorite location McDonough sailing center is located.

Some of summer goals include having a fun and interesting work experience. Last year was great and I want this year to be even better. I want to catch ten fish this year also and not two like last year. All Access was very fun but I have never been on Georges with the children. It really is a blast working with the children and I want to have lots of fun with them as we fly kites and fish. A lot of the kids are really cool and I just want to have nice experiences and many more to come. I also am looking forward to working with the new workers there are a lot of new faces and I want to get to know them all. This is going to be a great summer and I am really looking forward to have a blast and lots of fun.

Ahmed Hassan

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